Punk Rock Utd, an All-Star Team of Various Musicians of the Late-1970s London Rock Scene

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Punk Rock Utd: an all-star team of various musicians of the late-1970s London rock scene playing charity football matches in 1979 against Shoot! Magazine and a TV sporting celebrities team and ending up playing at Stamford Bridge Chelsea FC ground, as captured by Bob Legon for Smash Hits.

L-R, back row: Bill Stewart (Island Record’s talent spotter), Gen X’s Billy Idol, Robert (4″Be2″s roadie), Sex Pistol’s Paul Cook  and Gen X’s Tony James.
Front row: Mike James (Tony’s brother), 4″Be2″s /John Lydon’s younger brother Jimmy, Sex Pistol Steve Jones, 4″Be2″s Paul Young, Gerry O’Donnell (loan from Celtic), the Skids’ Richard Jobson and Thin Lizzy’s Phil Lynott on the far right playing “spot the ball,” to quote the original caption.
London promoter, DJ, manager and member of 4″Be2″ and The Bollocks Brothers Jock McDonald along with Faebhean Kwest of Cuddly Toys and Raped organized the event and Killing Joke’s Youth, one-hit reggae wonder Dan-I and some more presumably took part as well, while the part of the hooligan crowd was performed by The Upstarts’ Tomy Mensi. 

“Yes the punk rock 11 back in late 1970s Paul Cool as wing and Phil Lynnopt as centre forward a deadly combo… We played one match on the Chelsea Ground pitch…” – Billy Idol

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