Masks can be creepy, but they can also be fun. Artist Jessica Wohl modifies vintage photographs by embroidering what look like fantastical masks over people’s faces in a delightfully eerie series called “Sewn Drawings”.
It seems like the mutilations are somewhat metaphorical as they draw out the eyes, smiles and stoic expressions of the stitch-victims in the vintage looking captures. Each take is actually a piece of found photography, which gives you a more interesting perspective on what Wohl wants each character to portray, as there is no previous emotional connection to the artist.
“These actually came from a failed experiment with Correction Fluid and photographs. I liked the notion of starting over with a fresh slate, and asked myself, while looking at an old family photograph, “What if we could just remove ourselves from our environment and pick a new one?” So I whited out everything in the photograph except the eyes and mouths of people.” – said Jessica Wohl.
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