Back in the mid-70s when David and Angie Bowie were pretty much the hottest couple around, Angie auditioned for the lead role in the ABC TV series based on the DC comic book character, Wonder Woman. The part would go to former Miss USA Lynda Carter who would star in the much loved ABC Wonder Woman television series during its nearly four-year run after its debut in 1975.
Bowie’s audition was mentioned in the Feb. 11, 1974 issue of Newsweek, in which it was reported that Angela Bowie had been considered for the role of Wonder Woman for an upcoming ABC-TV movie but lost the part for her refusal to wear a bra. She described the experience later in her 1993 autobiography:
“First I showed them the photographs, which totally flabbergasted the director- things were going well so far- but then, before I went to my dressing room to don the stipulated turtleneck, some woman from the studio came up to me.
‘I see you’re not wearing a bra,’ she said. ‘You have to wear one for the screen test. It’s mandatory.’
I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t worn a bra for years. ‘Well, if that’s what you want, okay,’ I said. ‘But I think you’re going to have a problem finding one small enough.’
She didn’t like that very much, but she walked off, and I went to the dressing room.”
Not only did Bowie audition for Wonder Woman (using her modeling name “Jipp Jones”), she also managed to acquire the rights to create a TV series or perhaps a film based on the comic book characters Daredevil and Black Widow from none other than Stan Lee. Armed with some pretty cool photographs taken by Terry O’Neill (with actor Ben Carruthers in the Daredevil costume), Bowie was sadly unsuccessful in getting anybody interested in producing the project and, outside of O’Neill’s photos, it never saw the light of day. Here’s how she described her experience briefly portraying the Russian secret agent:
“I received permission from Stan Lee to have the rights to Daredevil and Black Widow for a year. We were unable to place the series. Actor, writer, Benny Carruthers and I did the photo shoot with Terry O’Neill and Natasha Kornilkoff costume designer and Barbara Daly – make-up in London and that was all that ever happened. Unfortunately at that time it was considered too difficult and expensive to film, special effects, etc.”
And just like that, it was over. Angie Bowie divorced her husband in 1980 and continued to work in film and music. Ben Carruthers died in 1983. Daredevil eventually surfaced in the tv-movie Trial of the Incredible Hulk, before Ben Affleck donned the horns in 2003. Black Widow remained in live-action purgatory until Scarlett Johansson filled the bodysuit in Iron Man 2. Life went on, and the world was left a little poorer, forever denied a live-action Marvel TV series that looked as if it might have out-WTF’d beach bum Captain America.
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