Found Photographs From a Zeta Tau Alpha Recruitment’s Party in the 1950s

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Zeta Tau Alpha recruitment week almost always has a theme, hence explaining the Wizard of Oz costumes and decor; this also explains all of the alum in the photos. There are always alum around during recruitment and it is courteous of current members to give up their seats for alum and sit on the ground. Many times, alum help to prep current members for the parties they will host with new members.

Also, there are typically one to two days during recruitment when sororities preform skits for potential new members (then called rushees), which could explain the girls in top hats and maybe some of the Wizard of Oz costumes. One of the photos depicts many of the women on the steps of the sorority house who appear to be singing. Door chants are common during recruitment and are/were often preformed as depicted. All of the members would stand either inside or outside the house to do a chant on behalf of the sisterhood for new members before mixers/parties. Also, it is customary to wear whites and do door chants on bid day – the day where new members receive cards extending an invitation to become a member of the sorority.
The recruitment happens at the beginning of the school year when women who have decided they want to join a sorority go through the houses on the campus to find which group of girls they fit in with best. In recruitment, their outfits are usually similar. Men are of course not a part of recruitment, as the goal is to find a sisterhood.

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