Vintage sexist advert presents BALLS – the candy to give you courage
In 1978, women has BALLS by the barrel load.
There was a time when it took a heavy dose of spunk for a woman stand up and be counter. Joan of Arc hid her gams in a suit of armor to defend Louis’s honor. Amelia Earhart donned a sexless jumpsuit to fly into the wild blue yonder. Madame Curie wore whites and gazed longingly at test-tubes.
These days, women have finally come into their own – with pants and permanents, muscles and makeup. But there still are a couple of things we can’t lay claim to right?
Not any more, Mary. Now we’ve got BALLS.
This was written by a women?
BALLS is the new candy sensation that lets you conquer the world. Just pop a few balls into your mouth and you’ll be ready for anything – a battle with the boss at the office (he can’t give you the shaft!); a tough game of tennis with Bob (the score’ll be forty/love). Bank your BALLS bedside, for easy reaching at those tender moments. Brown – Bags your BALLS to work, so you don’t run out of steam. Just taste those ticklers–mmm mmm, good.
Suck on some BALLS for an instant lift – and be the first in your building to mix it up with the guys. Buy some BALLS – the candy that gives you courage.
And now wear your BALLS on your chest. This attractive, 100 percent cotton yummy yellow T-shirt is available with 3 tempting teasers:
“You need BALLS to conquer the world”
“She who has BALLS will conquer the world”
“BALLS candy gives you courage”When you’re down, BALLS helps you rise to the occasion. So let’em know where you stand. Knock ’em out. Get some BALLS, baby.
It’s total BALLS!
(via Flashbak)
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