Fascinating Vintage Photos Capture Jazz Club Scenes in the Late 1940s

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See people dancing and swinging to jazz music in nightclubs in the late 1940s through 12 fascinating vintage photographs below:

Paramount nightclub, London, 1949. (Keystone)
Jazz Club in Windmill Street, London, 1949. (Charles Hewitt)
Jazz Club in London, 1949. (Charles Hewitt)
London Jazz Club on Oxford Street, London, 1949. (Charles Hewitt)
Club du Vieux Colombier in Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, 1949. (Keystone)
Club du Vieux Colombier in Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, 1949. (Keystone)
Paris, 1949. (Dmitri Kessel)
Paris, 1949. (Dmitri Kessel)
Bebop dancing at Club Eleven, 1949. (Topical Press)
Bebop dancing at Club Eleven, 1949. (Topical Press)
Bepop dancing at the Feldman Club, London, 1949. (Popperfoto)
Bebop dancing at Club Eleven, 1949. (Topical Press)

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