Atomic Bomb Hairdos From the 1940s and 1950s

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Here’s how the atomic bomb inspired hairdressers in the 1940s and 1950s.

Liliana Orsi, a 22-year-old beauty in Rome, Italy, displays her new atomic hairdo and the photo of the atomic blast which inspired it. It took a hair stylist 12 hours to arrange Liliana’s coiffure, so it’s not recommended for daily wear. It’s an old fashion and something dangerously new.

(Acme Newspictures – March 8, 1951)

The photo is of the Crossroads BAKER test from 1946. It’s actually kind of an atypical image of an atomic bomb explosion — it only looks like that because it was detonated underwater, and that white outer cloud dissipated within a few seconds (the actual mushroom cloud is the darker cloud inside that white misty cloud).

(U.S. Army Photographic Signal Corps)

What these press agents won’t think of! From one Las Vegas beauty salon comes this hair style, modeled by showgirl Terry True. And that big upsweep at the top is supposed to symbolize a mushroom cloud effect of a bomb explosion. The dark ring is a switch, with a jeweled clip to brighten things up.

(AP Wirephoto – February 8, 1951)

(Mansfield News-Journal – April 29, 1946)

(La Grande Observer – July 30, 1946)

(via Weird Universe)

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