A clipping from a November 1963 issue of the Minneapolis Tribune asked people, “Would a woman be a good president?”
Two men and two women both emphatically said no, saying men are more “responsible” and women “give in” too easily. Only one respondent, a Wisconsin man named Vern Hause, seemed to be OK with it, saying they’d do no worse than some male Presidents.
- Frank Kampa: “No. Today their mind is one way and the next day, it changes.”
- Tom Romanowski: “No. I don’t have much faith in women to let them run the country.”
- Mrs. Maureen Mellum: “No. A man is more responsible. Women have enough problems without being president.”
- Mrs. Tom Romanowski: “No. A woman is too likely to give in. They might not stand their ground when they should.”
- Vern Hause: “She couldn’t do any worse than some we’ve had.”
The piece was shared by Twitter user Nate Pentz and it serves as sour evidence just what a long way we’ve come since the 1960s.
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