Born 1918 in Plymouth, Devon, English actor Richard Greene started his stage career as a spear carrier in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in 1933. A handsome young man, Greene added to his income by modeling shirts and hats. His professional career began at the age of 15, with a walk-on role in Julius Caesar at the Old Vic.
A matinée idol who appeared in more than 40 films, Greene was perhaps best known for the lead role in the long-running British TV series The Adventures of Robin Hood, which ran for 143 episodes from 1955 to 1959.
Amongst other TV programmes, Greene was in A Man For Loving, The Doctors, The Morecambe and Wise Show, Dixon of Dock Green, Scarf Jack, as corrupt businessman Neil Turvey in The Professionals episode “Everest Was Also Conquered”, and the Tales of the Unexpected episode “Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat”.
Greene died in 1985 of cardiac arrest at his home at Kelling Hall, Norfolk, England, aged 66. These vintage photos captured portraits of a young and handsome Richard Greene in the 1930s and 1940s.
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