33 Lovely Photos of Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski on Their Wedding Day in 1968

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Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski were married in Chelsea, London on January 20, 1968, with considerable publicity. Polanski was dressed in what the press described as “Edwardian finery”, while Tate was attired in a white minidress. The couple moved into Polanski’s mews house off Eaton Square in Belgravia, London. Photographer Peter Evans later described them as “the imperfect couple. They were the Douglas Fairbanks/Mary Pickford of our time … Cool, nomadic, talented, and nicely shocking.”

While Tate reportedly wanted a traditional marriage, Polanski remained somewhat promiscuous and described Tate’s attitude to his infidelity as “Sharon’s big hang-up”. He reminded Tate that she had promised that she would not try to change him. Tate accepted Polanski’s conditions, though she confided to friends that she hoped he would change. Peter Evans quoted Tate as saying, “We have a good arrangement. Roman lies to me and I pretend to believe him.”

Tate became pregnant near the end of 1968, and on February 15, 1969, she and Polanski moved to 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon. In March 1969, she traveled to Italy to begin filming, and Polanski went to London to work on The Day of the Dolphin (1973). Frykowski and Folger moved into the Cielo Drive house.

After completing Twelve Plus One, Tate joined Polanski in London. A journalist asked Tate in a late July interview if she believed in fate, to which she replied, “Certainly. My whole life has been decided by fate. I think something more powerful than we are decides our fates for us. I know one thing — I’ve never planned anything that ever happened to me.”

She returned from London to Los Angeles on July 20, 1969, traveling alone on the QE2. Polanski was due to return on August 12 in time for the birth, and he had asked Frykowski and Folger to stay in the house with Tate until his return.

On August 8, 1969, Tate dined at her favorite restaurant, El Coyote Cafe, with Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, and Abigail Folger, returning at about 10:30 p.m. Shortly after midnight, they were murdered by members of Charles Manson’s “family”.

These lovely photos captured beautiful moments of Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski on their wedding day in London on January 20, 1968.

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